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When I was eight years old, my life changed forever when I got my first pair of glasses. Before that, I had been so blind there wasn't a distance at which I could read. While now I've graduated to contacts, the way I had to view the world in my early childhood set my course in life. When motion, bold silhouettes, and color are all you understand, it turns out you've got a great foundation in character design and animation!

I applied to SCAD as a transfer student after my first year of college, and despite COVID throwing everything online, I was able to not only graduate on time, but maintained a 3.96 GPA. Through my work as a peer tutor, I discovered my love for teaching, and developed and hosted my own series of workshops on animation, character design, and screenplay.

Now, I'm returning to SCAD as a Graduate with a Dean's Fellowship so I can keep learning my craft and follow my passion. I'm very excited to see what else I can accomplish, and if you're interested too, feel free to reach out and contact me at

About: Bio


Zero Waste Gardening and Composting
Thrift Shopping
Training My Rescue Terrier, Lily <3

About: Image
About: Pro Gallery
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